Gold smuggling Syndicate revealed at Chennai airport


Gold smuggling Syndicate revealed at Chennai airport, on Thursday 27th June smuggling model arrested 9 members group who smuggled around 267 kg of gold worth of 167 crores of through a souvenir shop at Chennai airport departure terminal, report say that shop at the airport belong to youtuber Sabir Ali and also arrested shop owner and to transit passengers

It was started few days ago when the customs department air intelligence team arrested souvenir Store employee on suspicion of carrying 1 kg of gold in powder form. As the report said he had to create in my is rectum after getting it from one of the transport passengers, after maths officials took both into custody

Custom official say that God smuggling organisation based in Chennai Sri Lanka and elsewhere. Customs investigators confirmed that the group trafficked 267kg of gold worth Rs 167 crore in two months based on those detained’ statements and phone conversations. According to officials, the gold landed from both Gulf countries and Singapore.

Ali and his seven employees where recruited and a trainer by the Syndicate to smuggled gold given by transit  passengers to receive outside the airport. The shop sells toys, souvenir and bags.

Sources on the report say that Sabir Ali who is 29 years old and lives in Chennai, he was contacted by through his YouTube channel to act smuggling agent for them (Syndicate), it was the Syndicate which floated the idea of him opening a retail shop, after the had details of prominent advertisements put out by Vidvedaa PRG On billboards

Report say that the shop was eventually opened sometime in February this year. Sabir Ali recruited is employees on contract basis through an online job portal, reports also say that Sabir  Ali and his employees the earned commission of  3 crores in last 2 months

The transit passengers over the gold along with the shop owner and other staff  of the shop were arrested, remanded and send to judicial custody, the release said

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